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Esp Crossword Clue Answers

ESP Crossword Clue Answers

Solving the Puzzle

When searching for crossword puzzle answers, ESP can refer to different meanings depending on the context. Here are some common solutions:

1. Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP)

ESP is commonly associated with extrasensory abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition.

2. Electron Spin Polarization (ESP)

In physics, ESP refers to the alignment of electron spins in a solid-state material.

3. Electrostatic Potential (ESP)

In electromagnetism, ESP measures the potential energy of an electric field.

Additional Solutions

Other possible answers to ESP crossword clues include:

  • Electronic Stability Program (ESP) in automotive systems
  • Equine Sarcoid Virus (ESP) in veterinary medicine
  • Espionage (ESP) in intelligence or security contexts

Remember to consider the context of the crossword puzzle to determine the most appropriate solution for ESP.


Solving crossword puzzles requires not only knowledge but also an understanding of different interpretations. By considering possible meanings and researching specific terms, you can discover the correct answer to ESP crossword clues and enhance your crossword-solving skills.
